You Can Have a Kingdom Impact in Your Community Today; and We Can Help!
When neighbors care enough about something to act together things change.
Asset Based Community Development
ABCD is a powerful and inclusive approach to community development.
Seeking Shalom
Seeking Shalom challenges us to take a holistic view of poverty.
Get Involved
Host an Asset-Based Community Development or Seeking Shalom group training for your Church, your Non-Profit, or your Community Organization!
Facilitate a Community Action Effort in your neighborhood. Identify what your neighbors care most about; enough to do something about it together!
Let's Talk!
We offer free coaching to promote Christian community development!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
- Margaret Meade
Change happens at the
Speed of Trust!
“Trust is not something that is given: it must be earned and maintained over time. The key is to become more honest and truthful.” – Rachael Botsman