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Making Connections in Courthouse Green

This past weekend the two homeowner associations of Courthouse Green hosted a Community Connectors Cookout.
Tim Bowden of the First Homes Association and Jeromê Harris of the Property Owners Association have been working with their residents and two local community based organizations over the past year to identify what they care most about – their dreams for their neighborhood. They have been using a neighborhood talent search survey which asked their neighbors about their gifts and skills as well as what they wanted most for their community.
The results of these surveys showed that the youth and adults care most about building closer relationships with each other as well as their desires to learn how to cook, to develop their music and arts abilities and to form basketball and other sporting activities.
The idea of the cookout was to share this information with their neighbors and to invite them to get involved in making these things happen.
IMG_1239Tim and Jeromê are leading this effort. They, and the supporting community groups, will be meeting this coming week to plan a Connectors Table gathering where those with similar interests will be encouraged to meet together to plan their next steps.
If you have an interest in learning more about the Courthouse Green efforts or about this process that you would like to begin in your neighborhood please contact us.

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