We want to help churches connect effectively with their neighbors.
Many churches want to get to know and to serve their neighbors. Often, they make wonderful ministries available to people without developing relationships with them. We are hoping to help change this!
It begins with education. You will learn in our Seeking Shalom six-session course that our current approach has meant well but has been misguided.
This course is for local church leaders and members. Seeking Shalom is a video-based group learning experience. It involves the discovery of biblical methods and the discussion of how to apply them in our unique circumstances. Together the local church and the larger church of the community will learn how to best adapt their ministry models to provide effective community services.
The Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) training and coaching provide numerous principles and practices for applying the biblical principles these churches have learned.

Although we are seeking to encourage and equip every church in every community to become better able to serve their neighbors, we want for the entire body of Christ in the community to serve their communities together.
We are not seeking to make every church the same in their styles of worship or even their outreach ministries. Just the opposite. Our hope is that every church will come together with others in their community to seek the Kingdom transformation of the community using their unique gifts and personalities.
We celebrate the variety of styles and traditions God has given us. Our hope is for his church to unite as one church in our neighborhoods to together reveal Jesus to our neighbors.
We would love to come alongside to encourage you as you to embark on this great adventure to the glory of our Lord!