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Expecting Guests

Churches are places where people come together to worship God and to grow in their faith. They also attend to reunite with their church family and to give and receive loving care from one another.

As regular weekly attenders we tend to gather easily with those we know. And since we feel at home and are familiar with our church’s facilities we easily go about our business. We are expecting our fellow church members and attenders to likewise feel at home.

But what about our first time guests? These folks usually don’t know anyone nor do they know the routines or facilities we are so familiar with. They are looking for someone to welcome them and to guide them helping them to feel at home as well. 

Do our efforts to assist those who are visiting us communicate that we’ve been expecting them and are truly glad to see them? 

There are many reasons why people might visit a church for the first time. Some people are looking for a new church home. Others are curious about Christianity. Some are looking for a place to connect with God. Some are hurting and need support. 

No matter why someone is visiting a church, it is important for the church to make them feel like we’ve been expecting them. 

Some ways to do this are to:

    • Greet visitors in the parking lot and provide special parking places.
    • Have a greeter at the door to welcome visitors and to introduce them to a church host who will accompany them and answer any of their questions.
    • Provide them with a guest packet.
    • Introduce them to other members of the church.
    • Make sure the sanctuary is well-lit and comfortable. Help them to find suitable seating. 
    • Help them to know what to expect in the service. 
    • Do all you can to make them feel comfortable and included.

When visitors feel welcome, they are more likely to return to the church. They are also more likely to get involved in the church’s ministries and programs. 

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