Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I begin?

Arrange for a Zoom or in-person meting with our community developer to discuss your options.

From there you will be guided to your best next steps.

What Are The Costs?

There are no direct costs for most of our training and coaching options.

You may incur costs for hosting your training such as copying handouts and providing refreshments. 

Long-term coaching or other on-going training options may incur consulting fees. We can discuss these with you should you desire this option.

What Types of Training Are Available?

We offer two training options:

Asset-Based Community Development. This training is customized for your organization. It varies from a simple two-hour basic explanation of ABCD to full eight-session ABCD workshop.

Seeking Shalom. This is a six-session video-based training experience. It is best done in small groups that meet over six consecutive weeks. It can be tailored to meet your schedule preference as well.

How Do I Get Connected With My Neighbors?

The best way to get started is to discover what your neighbors care most about. We offer several way of doing this and various survey tools for recording information.

The next step is to conduct convening meetings with your neighbors to discuss what you learned about their dreams for your neighborhood.

At these gathering we form Community Actions Teams (CATs) as residents self-select the teams they want to be a part of.

We then help to organize and mobilize these citizen-led teams. We also encourage the sharing of their stories of success to encourage more participation.

To get more answers to your questions please contact us using this form: