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Speak Up!

A TV commercial shows a young lady visiting her gynecologist. It appears she is embarrassed to describe her painful symptoms until her “inner voice” encourages her to “Speak Up!”  When she does she is relieved and will, most likely, be correctly diagnosed.
In my devotions this morning the writer asked, “Have you ever stopped to consider what your response to the wickedness of the world should be?” I immediately thought of this commercial. I need to “Speak Up!”
What I don’t need to do, however, is to give my opinion on the issues of the day. What I need to speak up about is what God’s Word has to say. I was reminded yesterday that it only takes one generation to come along who hasn’t heard the Word of God for their entire culture to “not know the LORD.”  Judges 2:10-14
We, who do know the LORD, need to Speak Up!  We need to refer to God’s Word in response to any questions of moral and social behavior being raised today. We need to hold ourselves accountable to what God has to say whether we like it or agree with it or not. It is easier, often, to agree with popular opinions or the ways of men that seem right but are not, than to simply share from the Bible what God has to say about matters.
Christians know that when we humbly approach God in prayer and the reading of His Word, we will receive His inspiration and illumination. When we do this patiently and lovingly together we will be reconciled with Him and with one another. We all need to “Speak Up!”  

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